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Building Civic Architecture in Perth

  • PRINCIPLES Square - Cathedral Square Cathedral Avenue Perth, WA, 6000 Australia (map)

Presented by OMA + UniFor

What is the process of realizing public buildings in Perth? What are the challenges and the opportunities?

OMA Australian Director Paul Jones will speak about the experience of realizing the WA Museum Boola Bardip (by Hassell + OMA), and the opportunities for building civic architecture in Perth.

The sharing will be followed by a conversation with government representatives from Perth.

Speakers include:

  • Nic Brunsdon

  • Paul Jones (OMA Australia Director)

Further details and registration via link here.

6:00 – 7:30 pm, Sunday 17 March
PRINCIPLES Square - Cathedral Square (Central Lawn), Perth

17 March

Pecha Kucha: Design event

18 March

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